Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Game on!

It started out with the recent snowstorm that hit Denver. My Uncle Mike posted this photo on our family website of his back yard.

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He mentioned the fact that he thought this pic was "boring". I told him that I'd like to jump on that trampoline with my swimming trunks and goggles on, and take a picture of that. Well... my Uncle Mike is never one to turn down a challenge, and so, a day or so later, he posted this one.

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A counter challenge was issued by my dear uncle, but nothing was specified, so I responded with this picture, the caption reading, "Merry Christmas, Uncle Mike. Here is that pic of me in the shower you asked for. Birthday suit and all, just like you wanted..."

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That wasn't good enough though. He ended up challenging me to take a picture with a genuine tourist as "Underpants Man". The outfit wasn't specified, only that there had to be visible underware, and it had to say "Underpants Man" somewhere. So here is what I cam up with. From secret identity, to superhero.

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So, the moral of the story is this:

Don't challenge me to a dare-off. Because you will lose.

Carry on.


Cletus said...

cool. you and mike.

Cletus said...

Let me add, kudos to you both...but I'd win.