Thursday, January 4, 2007

Hi Bitch Tits! Are you losing weight? Oh. It doesn't look like it, I just said that to rub it in.

So I've been working with a company recently called Ownit Mortgage Solutions, trying to get some of their turn downs. I met with the owner twice, and things seemed to be going well, though he didn't really send anything my way. Well, I opened the business section of the LA Times yesterday, and to my surprise, saw a huge article about Ownit explaining how they went belly up in a hurry. They went into the toilet so fast, and so severely in fact, that they can't even pay their employees. Wow. Guess I'm not the only grifter in this business.

Speaking of grifting, I've been thinking of starting a weekly Video Blog, or "vlog" in addition to this one. Any of you computer savvy butt nuggets out there have any advice on that? I mean, my ideer was to shoot it on a reg'ler digital camera I have, then edit it in iMovie. I could then upload it to Youtube, and post it here, right? I have however seen other people forego youtube, and post their videos directly on to their sites. Is this a better option? Why? Does anyone know how to do that? Oh, c'mon, don't get all upset because I called you a butt nugget. I was only kiddin'... fuckin' douche nozzle.

Vlogging might be fun. I once took the ol' camera out on a late night Hollywood romp with Lexi, and who should jump out of a van to scold me for filming a passed out bum? Ghost Face Killa of the Wu Tang Clan, Theodor Unit, that's who. At first, I didn't believe it was him, but when I asked for confirmation, he opened his jacket displaying and extensive collection of ridiculous bling. I was momentarily blinded by the street lights bouncing off his insanely gawdy ice. Had Mr. T not pimpped out Nancy Reagan in his younger days, I'm certain he'd be jealous.

Anyway, your thoughts would be much appreciated. I'll try to get another sumpin' sumpin' up here later on. Until then, keep on keepin' on. Send me your ideers and advice. I'm lookin' at you, Nitz, Riz and J-Bo. Butt holes.



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