Today has been a
Lonesome day
Today has been a lonesome day
looks like tomorrow 'll be the same old way.
Nothing to write about this morning, guys. Sorry. Back in my skirt chasin' days, I used to tell dames that I was really only good for about 3 dates. After that, I run out of material. Sometimes, they'd think that was charming, assuming I was only kidding and that I always had lots of clever things to talk about; then they'd realize that what I said was fairly accurate and they'd stop returning my phone calls. ha ha!
Here is a hilarious picture I came accross recently:
Nancy Reagan on the lap of Mr. T, kissing him.
While I disagree with Ronald Reagan politics, I sure think he was a swell guy. I mean, anyone who makes jokes just seconds after they get shot is automatically cool in my book. Being cool though, doesn't mean you'd make a great president. It does however save you from being both a poor fool, and thus pittied by a large man with a mohawk and a shit load of trunk jewelery.
Represent indeed, sir.
Why don't you pick up a Copy of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"? It's a fairly decent book sort of addresses the issue of running out of material. I think you'd cherry pick a few relevant big fat juicy ripe pieces of fruit from the book. Although it's in large part passé now...not all.
Ronald Reagan. Actor, Governor of California, President of the Screen Actor's Guild, Cowboy President. I think Arnold wants to be the new him? Too bad for Arnold he was born in Austria.
Yes... you're right. A better blog would be to examine cowboy liberals versus gay conservatives. An epidemic? I doubt it. A coincidence? I think not.
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