Wednesday, November 29, 2006

That makes me think of

Here's the "That makes me think of..." game. Take an idea, then make a list of the things it makes you think of, even if they're dumb or obvious. Then take one thing from that list, and repeat the pattern. Keep going for a while, each time taking an idea from the newest list. When you're done, go back a look at the first idea see what kind of new perspective you get on it. Let's start with... :

Mustaches and turtlenecks:

a character
the 70's
comb overs
rockin out on the Casio keyboard
stuffing one's polyester pants
Burt Reynolds

Rockin' out on the Casio:

gigs at barmitzvah's or cheesy lounges
a yellow tambourine
Milwaukee Beer
keyboard guitars
white guys playing funk

Milwaukee Beer:

the open road
dark taverns during the day
fat people


beauty is villainous
cheap hotels
basement studios in east Hollywood
Willie Nelson
universal pain

OK, that should be enough. Now if we go back and look at mustaches and turtlenecks, we can devise that just because some baby boomer picked up a Casio and turned it into a hobby; just because he practices in his basement with other fat guys blow drying hair over bald spots and drinking Milwaukee beer during breaks; just because they're getting pumped up for their big show Wednesday night (armature night) at "Classy Dave's Steak House and Lounge" doesn't mean that back in the late 70's just after 'Nam, that blond in the red dress and pearls didn't shatter his heart, just like that chick with nipple rings tattoos shattered yours.

So show some respect. Mustache and turtleneck guy is a person too. And his bass player rules.

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