Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Good Ship Hollywood

Sometimes, when you're with someone for a long time, the relationship starts to feel boring. That first couple of months is fun. You get to know the person more and more. They are still all shiny and new. But after a while, both parties become complacent. If nothing interesting happens in a day, you'll not have much to talk about beyond what to eat for dinner or what's on tv. It becomes the responsibility of both people in the relationship to do something interesting together. Ya know, these things aren't going to happen on their own, you have to seek them out.

That being said, Lexi and I take on lots of creative projects together. We've built furniture, painted things, we do writing exercises, occasionally work out together etc. One of the things we did a little more than a year ago was to go out waliking with the ol' video camera and stick it in the faces of the people we met. When we started this project, there was no clear objective. We were just collecting footage. There wasn't even a general idea of what we wanted to do besides point and shoot and have a good time. Anyway, when we got done I edited some of the crap together and tried to give the project some direction.

I know this isn't great. The sound is off, the pictures aren't the best, and every time I open my mouth, I sound like a jackass. Besides that though, there are some funny bum comments, one famous rapper who decides I needed to hear his dissertation on poverty in America (while he wears $28,000 worth of bling around his neck), and Lexi talks about balls.

So here it is... a video only a select few have seen, and I'm a little embarrassed to put up, but I think (my fragile ego aside) it's entertaining enough to post. Enjoy.

The basic idea is this: Everyone in Hollywood is waiting for their ship to come in. Even the bums have dreams of the silver screen, but this ain't no playground. No sir.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright seriously who wanted to see that? by the way could I get a copy it would be a geat sermon illustration, Serious, I could use all the footage. I, like, commas, not so much periods Seriously all joking aside, could I maybe get that or use it for a series on giving?

Jesse Hopkins.